BCST has roots in working with the bones surrounding the nervous system, facilitating fluidity and ease. Biodynamics has grown to include tuning into the whole body, sensing a person as a whole. A session can be resourcing, coming back to center as the body grounds and remembers itself. Biodynamics is now also pre and perinatal and trauma informed, recognizing that our early attachments and patterns and our following experiences of safety, danger, accidents, violence and oppression often affect how our bodies move and feel today.
An attuned, grounded and listening touch can have profound effects on the body. A touch that understands the body is more than the sum of its parts, a touch that responds to the body’s innate nervous system feedback. A touch that understands unresolved experiences still run in body tissues as patterns of tension, nerve activation, and pain. Sometimes a shift in a session is simple and almost imperceptible until later. Often it is a slow and gentle unfurling of experience over multiple sessions, coming into real time feeling and sensation in the body. Making friends as it were, with our own self/body once again
Grounding/Resourcing: Do you ever just feel off, or pretty good, but you know you can feel better, act and react better? Both Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy and TRE can be used to help find one’s center once again. Either “shake it off” with TRE or find your way back to that “I’ve come home” feeling in the body, with Craniosacral Therapy.