
The earth is spinning. On it’s own and around the sun, in a beautiful spinning dance in sync with our galaxy and the milky way, taking its place  in space among other        galaxies, more space, and who knows……

Here on the ground the spinning craziness of spring is slowing down. Into a lush greenness padding under feet, plants lazily splaying in the sun with the fruit of their bodies slowly gorging ever bigger, proof the rampaging of spring has paid off.

Deepening into oneself, there comes a time or times of shedding expectations of the rushing world, and tuning in to the slowness of our natural world and inner bodies. Of acknowledging the anxiety that often drives us and tuning in to the slower wisdom that is always there, in the background.

Of acknowledging that we are held together, our hearts keep on beating, the seasons keep turning. Of allowing ourselves to be pulled to a slower pace and sinking to the ground amidst the hot air, thick with moisture and the slow breath of rainforest. Noting woodpeckers, flat wide bodies sweeping their black capes, looking out from pointed crimson heads. The lazy hum of insects and trickling water, thick moss underneath our bodies.

Feeling the breath of our body, the breath of the forest, the breath flowing through everything at once and at once individually. Sensations of nature allowing us to sense ourselves.

Sometimes I move through life quickly, sometimes slowly. I’ve noted how when our bodies heal in a wholistic body/emotional way, sometimes slow is faster. On the table in a BCST session, allowing myself the permission of slowness, healing often feels more resourced and integrates more pleasantly. As a practitioner of BCST when I allow myself to slow down and sit back, often a subtler and deeper process will emerge in the client’s body. Or more anatomical information will arise.

Allowing life to inform and breath us.

In the garden, cucumbers and tomatoes and peas and beans are rounding from the inside out. The pupa, still on the outside but a oozing transmutation inside. In the neighborhood a belly rounds, as surely as stars above and earth under feet. Life. Hidden, full in front of us, in us, through us.